Due to lack of money and good ole know how, we are currently living vicariously through our neighbors. Enjoying all their beautiful animals and goings ons. This is the newest addition to the 'neighborhood', a colt that Savannah is in love with. It has her favorite markings and she covets it daily, begging to own it about that often too.

A goat goat here and a goat goat there....

Next door is also a fabulous pond. Here is our puppy, Bella, trying to decide if it is worth getting wet over, to terrorize the poor duckies. We hope to make a pond on our property in the far away future because we get a lot of rain water run off the mountain and it would be a natural addition. Shawn hopes for the 'works': a dock, fish, ducks, etc...

And here is my favorite of them all. I don't know what in the world I would do with a donkey, but I grin everytime I hear it, it never gets old... EEEEAAAAWWWWWWWWW!
I heard donkeys keep the coyotes and wild dogs away from your horses. so if you get horses you gotta get a donkey.
My kids would want that ittle horsie SO BAD!!! It is beautiful.
I love all "your" animals. How fun to be outside and have so many friends around everyday.
I bet that is so much fun for the kids to have all those animals around! We look forward to your future pond ;-)
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