We spent today at the ball field. It was a cold day, very sunny but the wind was ruthless. Ty didn't seem to mind a bit and it was a very exciting game. Sadly, once again, they lost 8-7. And once again, seconds after the loss, all the players were happy because they got a treat... wish I could say the same about all the dads. The poor dads in the crowd seem to take the losses worse than the players, grin.

Safety first! Ty gets frustrated with his batting helmet because of the face mask, but it is required so he deals with it.

Here's a good action shot. Ty is the youngest on his team. Technically he should still be playing Tball, but since he can hit a pitch, we moved him up. Shawn promises that he will become a better player being challenged by the older boys. I think he just looks so small out there, but OH how proud I am of him for hanging with the BIG boys!

Here are the fabulous M sisters. They came to cheer Ty on and sample some of the fine cuisine at the concession stand. Great day, and we all defrosted nicely.
I love finding blogs of people I haven't talked to in a long time. I can't believe how grown up your kids are. Check out my blog, and comment. I get a lot of lurkers and not many commentors. Love your house, it looks awesome.
What a handdsome boy that Tyger is... he just makes my heart melt!
Go Ty! He looks so cute.. as do the M sisters, and I am tired of this cold weather!! especially when you look outside and see the sun shining brightly and expect it to be warm when you walk outside, but it's NOT! It's so deceiving!
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