Tuesday, November 1

{1} Thankful...

Last year I did 'thankful posts' for the whole month of November.  I loved it.  It challenged me.  I learned that while I can be quite aware of my BIGGIE blessings... blogging daily of my 'thankfuls' caused me to see daily, simple, sometimes little, blessings that otherwise I look past.  So here I go again....

I am thankful for all my responsibilities.  Yep.  Some days all those responsibilities can really weigh on me.  But I know I have a purpose.  I am needed.  I do good things.  I sometimes do very dumb things.  I am loved.  I love.  And I DO... a lot in a day.  I am blessed that, at the end of each day, I know that the things I do and those I do them for MATTER.

Today was laundry day... got it ALL done, folded, hung, & put away.  I homeschooled...learned Saturn has at least 17 moons, diagrammed sentences, rounded decimals, studied Norman Rockwell, read 5 chapter in Lyddie, and learned about the original colony at Jamestown, VA.  I did dishes.  I paid bills and planned on balancing checkbook, but failed.  I called in my VT report.  I made lunch for Ty and I.  I showered, worth noting, not always a given on a Tuesday.  I painted some furniture.  I cooked dinner, never mind that I set the smoke detector off... in my defense I used our stovetop grill and the stove fan just couldn't keep up.  I did more dishes.  I read scriptures with my family and we had family prayer.  Etc.  Etc.  All mundane, every Tuesday kind of stuff.  I wouldn't change it for the world.  Responsibilities

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love your thankful posts!