Wednesday, May 20

spit, sputter, whimper

Total technology meltdown on the farm this week. Phone only working hit or miss, very little hit... more miss. Computer not working either, currently next door at mom's, to document my sad plight. I've got stories and pictures of prehistoric turtles and wild turkeys to share, and yet I must be patient, sniffle!!!


Karen said...


MrsMama said...

That's no fun!

At least snail mail still works. I'm glad you received your magnet although I'm a bit surprised it took so long to reach you. :0

Hope you're connected with the world again soon.

The Walker Family said...

hate it when that happens! we are so spoiled!

Debbie said...

I was going to ask if it was YOUR wires Jared cut while digging holes to put our fence posts in today, but then I realized that you posted this a few days ago ;-)