Sunday, May 24

'Murphy's Law' reigns supreme in May

May sure has been a crazy month for our gang. WHEW!!

Our phone service seems, for the moment, to be restored. If anyone called me recently and never got a call back, please forgive... and call again if it was something important, grin.

Now it seems someone, that someone is probably ME, has misplaced the camera. Yep. I'm truly blessed that my family loves me enough to keep me around after all my flubs recently.

And do you remember my 'truck stuck in the muck' fiasco? The muck issue that drove my husband to be a man of very few words... and eventually he saved the day and freed my vehicle. Seems I didn't learn my lesson! Exactly one week from the day I got the truck stuck and hubby got it UNstuck... you guessed it... I got it stuck again. I had been working so hard outside and I was also on animal duty because my resident Barn Bum, Savannah, was off to DisneyWorld. I panicked that I had not given the donkeys water in 48 hours and loaded up water in my truck and drove to the back of the property... isn't this sounding verrrrrrry familiar... and successfully filled their water troughs and yep, I should have known, got stuck on the return trip.

I called Shawn at work crying like a 2yr old, seriously sobbing, he really doesn't need his sweetheart doing dumb things like this right now. Poor guy, seems I had him so worried with my crying fit that he was glad it was only a truck stuck, and not a child hurt or house on fire. I really had stuck it bad this time... had to get a tractor to heaveHO it out.

New priority... our 4 wheeler needs a big tune up, it is usually the vehicle I drive around, so it MUST be up and running so I can give my husband a much deserved break from being my 'knight in shining armor'... that can be a full-time job sometimes.

We sold our 2 baby goats. That was tough for us. We are trying to keep our herd of animals to a minimum at the moment until we get more fencing and new barns built. So, with Savannah's blessing, we sold the babies to a sweet family of 8 that are sure to love them to death. Now we are milking Amelia, our mommy goat, and won't have to buy milk for a good long while, yippee.

Chicken coop is almost done, need to hang main door and paint, and by then I hope to have located my camera so I can document the 'cuteness'!

Do you know what else reigns supreme in May? Mowing... add to that a large side of mowing with a heaping spoonful of mowing. And for dessert? WeedEating, double decker scoop of weedeating. Do you know anyone willing to mow 15 acres for about a buck .50? Nope, me either.

Seriously, we are having lots of fun mingled inbetween little mishaps and stuck trucks. Just hoping June is a little less eventful.

PS - has anyone seen my camera?


Debbie said...

Aww.. you sold the baby goats! So sad!

I got my first speeding ticket when I was 17, and I was so scared to tell my mom. I was so torn up about it when I went to break the news that she actually seemed relieved that that was the only thing that was wrong! Seems to be a good approach- just overdramatize everything to soften the blow ;-)

Beth said...

Bless your heart! What a not fun call to make to the hubby... :)

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Goat's milk? Do you like it? Don't know if I could get my kids to drink it...don't know if I could drink it myself.

Hope you find your camera soon...I miss the pictures!

danakat said...

I'm feeling ya, friend.
Not the specifics of course, but about this past month. Bah.

At least you seem to be happy and healthy and you haven't ostracized your family. Now June is certain to be pleasant and relaxing.

Looking forward to pictures of the coop and stories of prehistoric turtles.

Hugs to you!

Lisha said...

I feel your pain, I had a month like that back at the end of the year... thank heavens our hubbys keep us during those times!