Well, I posted about how May has offered some challenges, BUT I just must point out the wonderful things about May too. Its only fair and just!!
First, our baby goats were an absolute joy. It is still amazing to me how quickly they are up and about. These kids were quick learners and I had to quickly shew them away from munching on my 'pretties'. These cuties now live with a sweet young family with 6 children, so they are sure to get plenty of loves and attention.

Lots of homeschooling on the back porch!! May offered quite the range of weather, but through rain, sun, quiet breezes, etc... sitting on the back porch doing school was a HIT. Confession... Callahan School took a very extended Christmas break, so we are still finishing up school. Should be done in about another week.

We adopted a little kitten. He will be an outside cat, and so far he seems to blend well with our other animals.

We'll call him Sox. He has little white paws, and when he is dashing back and forth, that is all you can see is the flashes of his white sox.

I've enjoyed planting this month too, when it wasn't raining, grin. Spruce Globes make me smile. They just do! I have 2 of these and hope that when we get our front lawn done, these will be planted at our gate. So cute, and funny!! Now I have some massive weeding ahead of me with all this rain. I usually like the tediousness of weeding, actually relaxing for me, but the task is so large... I fear that I will never get it under control, grrrrr.

Now for our weird animal sightings. I was out and about real early one Friday and noticed the cat was having a fit over something on the driveway. As I got closer, this is what greeted me.

It was so massive, I mean HUGE! I immediately went inside to wake up my slumbering family to see it. And I wanted Shawn to pick it up, hee-hee, cause I was too chicken! I thought turtles, even ones as huge as this one, were s.l.o.w...... NOT SO! When Shawn tried to heft this big boy up, it snapped back and I screamed real loud to add an extra dose of drama. It about got a chunk out of my sweetie! It had the most vicious set of claws and even its shell was spiked!

And I've never seen such a long spiked tail on a turtle. Since it was so defensive after the whole 'pickup' attempt, we couldn't get very close to it without being hissed and snapped at. Sure wish I could have taken a picture of something next to it so you could fully realize its mammoth size, whew!!
Just an hour after this turtle sighting... Shawn walked outside again and lo and behold... a wild turkey was just standing next to the truck. Shawn just assumed the noise he was hearing was Mr. Roo (our rooster) and was quite startled to see a big turkey. Crazy Day.

And of course, May was a wonderful month of baseball! Ty would even sleep in his uniform, nevermind it was filthy... little boys don't seem to mind that kind of stuff, no matter how yucked out their moms get.
So to clarify... May was a normal month of ups and downs, but as I think on them... those ups sure come more often, thankfully! Now I am off to do some weeding.
PS - Shawn ran into town late last Saturday to get some gas for the tractor. Do you know what he came home with?! A weeks worth of groceries!!! Let me preface by saying when my husband usually goes to the grocery store, he comes home with random ingredients that don't much go together, giggle! BUT this time, he made 6 dinner menus, got everything from fresh fruits and veggies to snacks, etc. I had no idea he was doing this, he had me a tad worried because I wondered what was taking so long getting gas, but when I saw what he did, all was forgiven :) I really, really, like my guy!! And he was the one that found the camera so I could post with pictures again! Life is so good for this bride!!
Yea for Shawn!! I like pictures! You month sounds a lot like mine and probably like others. Life...
Shawn needs to give a class on how to be hunsband-extrodinaire.
Love all your stories and pictures! You should have a blog. (yeah, okay that was corny)
I have to admit I'm most impressed by your Grocery-Getter! Although those goats are dang cute.
I agree with Alisha. He does a lot of things most husbands would never think to do. I mean, getting groceries without being asked?? Come on!
Where did you get the cat from? You definitely need to jump back in the GC rotation so we can help you with that weeding.
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