Sunday, January 11

Purge #2

Another quirk of mine is that I am a colossal purger! I'm quite ruthless in fact... if anything sits unused for too long in my house, no matter how much I love it, its gone!
I did a massive purge when we first moved into the house, thanks to my sil Alisha allowing us to converge on her fabulous Madtown Garage Sale location.
Recently though... we have been organizing attics and food storage and I'm itching again... BAD!!
I opened up rubbermaids that had not been opened in over 2 years.
Makes me feel like a treasure hunter in a way, but then I get very frustrated that I have had something in my house, taking up space, and have not even noticed it missing or packed away... simply forgotten about it... Gotta go!!!
I realize this is NOT garage sale weather!
But I'm having a kinda private sale, in my enclosed garage... and purging.
You're all invited!
Friday, January 30th, 10am-noon
My only term for this sale is that my prices are firm.
But my family would VOUCH for me that when I am ready to let something go, I price it to GO!
I mark items for the least I will take for them, else I will usually just keep it for anything less or keep for gifting.
I hope my family, friends, and fellow bloggers can come take a look at everything I have.
Some of my larger categories are:
Gardening Items
Garden and Decoration Books
Paint Books
Decorative Items
Furniture, including a gorgeous linen couch!
Rubber Stamps, and
TONS of scrapbooking supplies (I'm scrapped out, I have officially gone to simple photoalbums)
Call me or email me if you have any questions.
Hope to see a caravan come out from Madtown too, grin.
See you on the 30th.


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOO I work Friday mornings :( I want SOOOOOOOOO bad to go :( I'm gonna go throw a hissy fit now.


The Happy Haynie Family said...

Wished I could teleport....

danakat said...

I sent you an email.
I guess that's all I've got to say...I'd hate to be redundant.

Mandy said...

Hey - can you post a reminder closer to the date - even if I put it on my calendar, I'm more consistent with checking all these silly blogs!