Sunday, January 25

Counting our blessings... and our grief

Since we have moved into our new home, my husband has noticed a new phenomenon. I sigh at night when the day is done and I am snuggling in.
I tend to hold in my obvious reactions to something....
I rarely laugh out loud... I grin
I rarely cry in public... I blink, blink, blink
In my fits of anger... I usually go into the silent mope
And so my sighs have caused me to concentrate on their meaning!
Warning...gettin' deep here!
I think overall my sighs are incredible contentment.
This past week they have been sighs of relief and sadly grief.
Our pipes froze solid at the road with the last cold spell.
We braced ourselves for the worst, and the worst never came!!
We are trying so hard to create this little homestead where we can be self-sufficient, and happy... and paying to repair a major pipe bust would have sure taken the wind out of our sails for a while. So we are very thankful that we were blessed to avoid that trial.
And to my sighs of grief...
Even despite out efforts to take care of our animals, our little baby goat did not survive.
Shawn even set up a heater, we doubled their bedding, etc.
But Madi was able to get out of the barn somehow, and was not able to get back in to safely snuggle with the warmth of the other animals.
We noticed her missing the next morning and we had quite the search party, with the help of our neighbors.
We so feared that she had fallen prey.
But in the end, we are so thankful that we DID find her and have some closure.
Savannah took this the hardest, but yet I find that she is comforting me.
Thankful that we had lil Madi in our home for Christmas, she was an absolute joy.
I've been quickly healed... I am now right back to sighs of contentment, so very blessed!!!


danakat said...

Oh Dawn...I am so so sorry about Madi. That makes me so sad for you guys.
But thank you for sharing your happy outlook. You literally spread sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear :( Tears are filling my eyes! Poor Madi. But I'm so looking up to you for seeing the bright side, something I would have the hardest thing with.

kmmclain said...

i'm so sorry on your family's loss. it is amazing how attached one can get to our pets.
i hope it warms up soon and everyone else stays safe.

Sandy said...

Oh, I am so sorry about your baby goat Madi. She was so precious! We get so attached to our animals who become part of our families.

Quincy Sorensen said...

Dawn, this makes me very sad, this news about Madi. Although it was just a little space of time, how you all loved her and took extra care with her! I take comfort knowing that Heavenly Father is aware of each of his creatures, even the sparrows in the field. Still, I am sad.

Beth said...

Oh, that is so sad. Poor little Madi. I too have a hard time seeing the bright side sometimes, but you do it so well!

The Happy Haynie Family said...

A tear was shed by me for little Madi. I do not like when anything suffers...

Cari said...

NOooooooooOOoOooOoo! I am in total shock. Noah will so miss that lil goat. I am so sorry for you guys.

aunt mimi said...

I'm so sorry about Madi the goat. She was such a little ray of sunshine.

I'm proud of the kids and the way they are handling it.

I will have to let "our" Madi know. She and the girls will be very sad.

Lisha said...

Sorry for your loss, the girls shed a few tears for you.