Saturday was quite cold and rainy. I was not looking forward to a whole day inside with
very active little boys. Christian was quite cooperative to watch football games in the TV room. Shawn and his friend Kevin headed out to Tuscaloosa for the
UofAlabama Homecoming Game... but I was left with these energizer bunnies! Don't let their cuteness fool you... nonstop, these two!

Turns out I had nothing to fear! Ty and Nate kept themselves entertained quite well.
The funnest activity
by far was 'stair sledding'.

The giggles, snorts, and laughter that came out of these hooligans was hilarious. They got me laughing so hard, it was hard to see clear enough to snap these photos.

Ty and Nate were laughing so hard by one point that they both got these huge
belching hiccups. Of course the hiccups were so loud and gross, it only added to the delirium ;)

My only question...
why ohhhhh why when little boys need pillows and blankets, do they grab the
GOOD stuff? Boys have quite a talent of grabbing the precise items you would never want them to use for stair sledding. Like...

my new y.u.m.m.y pillow/beanbag I got for very quiet, sedated, leisure, lounging in the TV room. It is a delicious creamy chenille bundle of
fabulousness, and this is what they first grabbed for their escapade. Notice this chenille pillow made a brief appearance in the above pictures and then it is noticeable missing... that would be when mean ole mom (me) hid the poof pillow... cruel chuckle!

Later in the day, they reused their sledding equipment to use on much smoother terrain. Ty explained that lots of stair sledding 'made his bum pretty sore'. Note taken.
what great use of wonderful imaginations (of course after the rescue of pillow)
Just imagine what those two will come up with as they get older.
Cousins can be such great fun. Glad they have this time together.
I love the beanbag! Where ever did you find it? I've been looking for one like that for months!
Hysterical! I just love little people belly laughs...nothing like it. :)
There is no sweeter sound than some good children laughter, especially when it is from two little boys I dearly love! Thanks, Ty, for entertaining my little man! I love you guys!
That pillow would be perfect for a little snuggly newborn shoot :)
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