Sunday, October 11

boy + cheese = lots of furry friends

Nothing makes a Saturday better than having the pleasure of additional cutey patoots hanging out at the farm.

Yesterday, the cuties that came to visit were Noah and Eden. Suffice it to say that Aunt Dawn was VERY happy!

Noah asked to have some cheese. I was able to oblige. Noah LIVES outside, so when he got his cheese and promptly went on the back porch... I feared there may be trouble.

Daring to walk out on our back porch with any kind of food assures you adoring animals a plenty!

Noah laughed and laughed and laughed. Complete joy at all the attention he received from the critters.

He was able to sneak a little cheese for himself too. Survival of the fittest out in these parts... glad to see Noah is a multi-tasker... he fed 6 little tummies all at the same time: his, 3 kittens, and 2 beagles!

It didn't take long for his polka dot piggy tails baby sister to come check out what was causing her big brother so much fun.

She couldn't get the the kittens to come close enough, but Bella (our beagle) was happy to give Eden lots of kisses.

Photos of all the fun we had ended abruptly after this shot, due to dead camera batteries... and an unfortunate event where Noah (I'm sure concerned for his sister's safety, giggle) shut the back door on Eden and she was VERY offended!!

The rest of our day included feeding chickens, gathering eggs, blowing bubbles, a road trip to TN where Savannah bought a horse, repeated singings of 'Popcorn Popping', and lunch at McDonalds.

And I MUST document the reason I was able to have these two sweeties for the day. Cari and Chris went to the Birmingham temple so Chris could do the Baptism for his father, Phil, whom we tragically lost last year! If you weren't blessed enough to have known Phil... just look at Eden, she resembles him ;)


Beth said...

These are some of the cutest kids I have ever seen! I am sure of it! Fun day! I'm so glad Cari and Chris were able to go do the work. Family is such a blessing in so many different ways.

Jessica said...

wow seriously adorable kids! Savannah bought a horse? thats sooo neat!