Today was our Garden Club at my house. It was hot and then rainy so all us gals brought sewing projects to work on. We love visiting and the kids play so well together, it is the highlight of my week.
Then Debbie, clever mommy that she is, noticed that she had not seen Taylor in a while... so she went on the hunt.
The hunt ended in my master bedroom, standing in front of the master bathroom doors, with water coming out under those doors onto the hardwood floors, EEEEEEK!!

Debbie urgently called us all into the bathroom for 'backup'.
Can I please add a disclaimer on Taylor and Noah's behalf? Anytime the nieces and nephews come to Aunt Dawn's home, they always ask to go swimming in the bathtub. The tub bubbles, it can fit MANY cousins, and the best part is the handheld shower.
Seems Taylor and Noah felt they would go have some good, clean, fun with the handheld shower hose.

There was water everywhere! I did not know that the shower fixture could get enough pressure to shoot water to the ceiling, good to know.

Noah and Taylor were very thorough and made sure everything got a good cleaning. No vessel was left unflooded.

From the looks of things, Noah was the head shower controller. At least we think so since he had at least a tad bit of dry spots left to him....

Where as Taylor, was soaking wet! When we all barged up into the bath... there was not an itty bitty ounce of guilt on either of their faces.
Aunt Dawn wanted to give them creativity points... their moms?... not so much.
I think Noah and Taylor were sadden by our haste in mopping up all the glorious puddles.

Am I a terrible Aunt that I laughed and laughed and laughed, then grabbed my camera. Am I mean for thinking this precious, wet, gal is adorable when she cries?

The water was nothing a few dozen blankets and towels couldn't handle. The wet bandits even helped with the clean-up. Now my window sills, windows, walls, baseboard, and every nook and cranny is clean. Absolutely sparkling.

I've got several loads of laundry ahead of me, but it was worth the excitement. Hopefully Noah and Taylor's mommies will forgive Aunt Dawn finding this all so hilarious. In the future, I promise to give a little more instruction to all the nieces and nephews of when and when NOT to play with Aunt Dawn's swimming pool bathtub sprayer. Slight oversight on my part, oops!

And little Miss Eden seemed quite entertained by the commotion. She is mobile now but picked up on the clear vibe that she should just stay put, and dry.
As for the other kids in the house...
the fabulous Murphy gals were here and thought the whole thing quite scandalous!
Bella was happy the whole time viewing the craziness from her mom's arms.
Kena was none the wiser.
Lil' Nate seemed a tad bummed at the fact that Taylor and Noah did not include him in the merry making! Poor Nate, there is sure to be plenty of future fun amongst the cousins... no worries!
Oh my gosh! Laughing 'til it hurts over here!! I could just squeeze those kiddos. Glad to hear that you now have a clean bathroom. I may need to have those two come clean my bathrooms!
Boy, I sure hope your hardwood floors aren't ruined. That wouldn't be funny at all.
Oh my goodness! Yikes!
Hey, I'm GLAD you found it hilarious. I was terrified that they had ruined something, and sorry, Cari, but I was a little relieved that Taylor had a partner in crime and didn't do it all herself.. haha Before she went to bed tonight, she started talking about the mess that NOAH made ;-) The post title is very fitting. It definitely made for an interesting day!
Too Funny! Gotta love those lil ones and what a great auntie you are for seieng all the humor at the moment in the moment!
Too funny and totally something my child would do! And can I say that I LOVE that bathtub!
Clever title, andI want this entry in my blog book, too! :)
Well am I terrible for thinking that whole time... "MAN that is an AWESOME bathtub" hahah
Such a terrible aunt you are!!! (heehee)
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