It is vegetarian. Female phasmids do not need a male to reproduce. Baby phasmids are called 'nymphs'. There are many species of phasmids and they range in size from 1/2" to 13". And walking sticks are cousins to grasshoppers.
The fact that Ty is sure to never forget... cause he is a boy... most phasmids are nocturnal and stay idle during the day, even swaying slightly from side to side to imitate a branch blowing in the breeze. BUT some phasmids are quite defensive and can regurgitate food (PUKE) on their attacker or spray a poison like substance that to a human is as painful as being sprayed in the face with mase. (I just realized I have no idea how to spell that, grrr)
That is sadly the wealth of our knowledge on these interesting bugs... after all we studied many creepy crawlies and like Ty always says..."I only have so much room in my brain for school stuff!"
Those critters are Phascinating! I had no idea that they could get so large. Or barf up mace. Very cool.
That looks very big!
Those are awesome pictures! I seriously don't think Phasmids grow in Northern Maine. That is too cool!
Wow, I'm impressed you remembered that much!!!
i think that is a whole bunch of info! i especially think it interesting that there is no need of males to reproduce...? i wonder what the world would be like if humans didn't need males to reproduce? sounds like a lesson for another day far far from now...;)
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