Good help is hard to find.
Thankfully, I know just where to find cheap, willing (most of the time), helpers right in my own home. Sometimes my 13yr old son likes to spout off some mumbo jumbo about child labor laws... but I stick my fingers in my ears and sing a happy tune till he stops jabbering ;)
Each laborer fits a specific criteria, and together they are a well-oiled machine!

Please don't tell Ty, but he fills the slot of grunt and gopher. He mainly brushes dirt of prepainted surfaces, and paints the lowest surfaces that older siblings can't easily reach.

Savannah is the quality control. She can be rigid and bossy, but she is the reason this fence will ultimately look beautiful. Perfectionist, she is... perfectionist, Christian is not....
Case in point, do you see the huge drip in the above picture? That would be Christian's handywork.

But without Christian, this project would not stay on schedule. He keeps things in perspective, this
is a farm fence. He talks his older sister down off her sometimes impossible standards... and between the two, they crank out beautiful results.

I sure love these kids, and my appreciation is HUGE! After all there is over 600 feet of fencing to prime and paint at the entrance of our property.

I think it would be wise for me
NOT to show the kids my future plans of additional farm fencing. You can't argue the point that
sometimes... ignorance is bliss.
This reminds me of Tom Sawyer and his chore of whitewashing the fence.
Where's Ben Rogers when you need him? :)
Man, that is a lot of fence to paint.
That's a WHOLE lot of fence! Kids do come in handy at times *wink,wink*! They did a great job and deserve a pat on the back!
Can I ask...was it done without complaints cause they look pretty happy and to get my kids to do something without complaint is...weeeeell impossible! So how did you train them so well?
I love the fence!
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