Tuesday, June 9

First Harvest, ever!

We planted our first garden this spring. The initial prep of raised beds, etc, was not so fun. Then we planted seeds and the rains sure made a big mess of our nice, neat little rows. But everything is doing really well.

You wanna know the very best thing about this garden? Shawn is really the head hauncho. His mom gardened and so it is a wonderful memory of her, he is really in to it. I so love taking orders and letting him figure out the details, grin.

We planted two kinds of green beans, Shawn can't remember the exact kind his mom did so we will be taste testing them both to figure it out. I think I will like the fat beans better. We'll see.

Some of the new potatoes were ready too. Yum!!

Looking forward to peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers in the future. We have also harvested cilantro, lettuces, and onions. So fun. I'm loving this!

We currently are gardening up at the old barn, and next year we will plant watermelons, gourds, and a pumpkin patch there also. Eventually, we will have a garden closer to the house behind the Carriage House. I want tons of herbs, salad fixins, and hamburger toppings... in that garden...nice and close to the kitchen.

So we have donkeys, goats, chickens, and a producing garden... are we an official farm now?!


Jenni said...

Sounds like it! WOW! Not sure where life threw the curveball from but we only ended up with carrots, red & yellow bell peppers (not sure what happened to the green bell pepper plant - it was there one day - gone the next - it it is between the other two!) and several varieties of tomatoes! I need to take lessons about gardening - I always start out with a wonderful grande vision and end up with a small nightmare! Wanna teach me? Alisha? Someone, anyone?

Lisha said...

Isn't it such a rush?!! I love it! We got our first bean harvest today, yum, looking forward to a great dinner. :)

Anonymous said...

wow thats awesome!!! I want to plant a garden :)

danakat said...

What a beauty of a harvest you've begun! I love those potatoes. They have personality, you know?

Sandy said...

Oh my! good for ya'll. Looks so good. Nothing like new potatoes and fresh green beans. I am so impressed. We planted our garden late so it will be a few weeks before harvest, I can't wait!

Beth said...

I would say yes! Yum!

Debbie said...

We haven't harvested anything yet, but the plants have started to look pretty good. I can't wait to have a bigger garden one day when we have a better idea of what we're doing and we can grow all the things we want. We'll take some new potatoes if you've got some extras ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first harvest! Those potatoes look delish!