What do you get when you have one cute, fearless, speed craving 7 year old...
Add to that, one red 4 wheeler...
And then add a great big hole that is bigger than red 4 wheeler...
What does that equal?

and as a little extra bonus... a red 4 wheeler that has seen better days.

"I was going real fast down the tree line (our property line between us and our neighbors). I didn't see a thing until it was too late. I remember flipping completely over in the air and landing flat on my back. Not sure how long I laid there because I just remember looking up and trying to get my helmet off.
I didn't even cry (this fact was relayed several times during the retelling). But wow did my legs and man parts area hurt! I can't figure out how I hurt that stuff cause I just flew right off the 4 wheeler... like really flew... did I tell you I flipped completely over? I wish I could have seen myself."
This is where I had to interject with... 'SEE why I insist on you wearing a helmet... aren't you GLAD I make you always wear a helmet!!!!!' And then I told him that often the most vicious injuries from 4wheeler/dirt bike/motorcycle accidents are in the 'man part' and thigh area because you slam into the handlebars and shield. Ty just looked at me and said... in a very bored to death tone... "are you gonna yell at me about this?"
Nope, I think those bruises (of which I only photographed ONE, for modesty issues) will teach you quite a lesson in the next few days. They are turning a myriad of different colors and JUICY, ugh!
those bruises (of which I only photographed ONE, for modesty issues)
Oi! Dude is probably walking funny, eh?
Get better Tyger!
OUCH! Poor little guy. Glad he came away from such a spectacular crash with just bruises.
Ice, ice, ice then heat. And lots of TLC :)
Holy! That looks seriously painful. Just like a boy to wish he could have seen himself flying through the air.
His retelling makes me laugh, and I even laughed hrder when he asked if you were going to yell at him. It's nice not to be the mom so I could laugh...
Hope things heal up speedily.
Yikes! So glad Ty is okay - albeit sore! That storytelling is so funny! Feel better soon Ty!
Ouch! Glad he's okay. Makes me nervous! I'm going to be such a paranoid mom.. haha
I can't get over your descriptive word for those bruises, juicy. Ewww gross!!! ;o)
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