Then, I hear it...voices. Voices I don't recognize! Someone is in our home, with my babies! I seemed to have forgotten, in my panic, that we have a very sophisticated house alarm, window break alarms, and door charms. I just KNEW that someone was in the house. I didn't even wake Shawn, I bolted for the bedroom door.
There, there they are again! I follow the voices... straight into the TV room. Weird thing is that the volume to the TV is on... LOUD... but the picture is off. So confused, delirious, but relieved...WHEW! I have to shake Shawn to wake him, he could sleep through an earthquake, to help me figure out what craziness is going on with the TV and how to turn the thing off.
Relief... I snuggle back in bed. I lay there, I keep hearing little sounds. I can't relax. Its gone. My sweet, restful sleep... poof!!
So I decide, even though it is EARLY, just get on up. So I busy myself in my quiet home. There were garden veggies to chop, dirty dishes, loads of laundry to do. I read a little, surfed the web, etc. Then I found myself circling back into the kitchen, busy, busy, busy.
Out of nowhere... sobs! I am uncontrollably sobbing. Literally tears pouring. I realize that I am very hazy and have been zoning out. Snap out of it gal... what has got into you... take a deep breath....

I managed to get so much done this morning... never did return to bed until a big ole nap at 2PM!! And surely... surely... I will rest more peacefully tonight. Sweet dreams that don't involve voices and ONIONS!!
Good for you, instead of tossing and turning. I bet you got tons done. I do love an afternoon nap.
haha.. to the onions... it's definitely not funny to be startled out of your sleep!
I can laugh because it was not me! :)
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