We are moving forward with some big goals for 2009. I keep telling my family that as long as we are moving in a forward pace, no matter how slow that pace can sometimes be... it is still better than falling backwards... deep, I know!! So here are a few of our most recent leaps!! This is the before photo of the area next to our old barn. We currently have the animals at this barn but eventually they will be moved to the back of the property and this entire area will be fruit and vegetable garden space.

Tah Dah! We have 8 of our raised beds constructed, filled with soil, and a few already planted. These beds measure 4' x 12', so we have quite a bit of space for now. When the animals are moved, that whole space will be planted also, but not this year. I want a pumpkin patch for kiddos to come and get pumpkins each year, so fun! Please Note that there ARE 2 donkeys that are being naughty and snooping in the beds. We will eventually have a fence around this space too... but who knows when that will get on the 'to do' list, so for now we just have to shew all unwanted animals out of the garden space, grrrrr.

We have several burnpile areas on the property. But there is one burnpile that we primarily camp around and we kept dumping firewood around. It was an awful mess. So we sunk some poles and tree trunks in the ground and hope to keep the firewood at least a little organized. I had the kids stack the current wood in our 'racks' and I think they did a great job! I think it is actually pretty... Savannah says I am crazy, while that may be so, I think wood is gorgeous!

Anyone up for a coop raising?! We have started the chicken coop. Don't look too close... this is my first building project and I am the chief architect. I've researched what chickens need and have hopefully covered all the major points. And as always... cute and whimsical, are ever on the top of my list. Christian quickly pointed out to me that the roof lines were uneven... dear, dear, boy... don't you see the genius in the asymmetrical? I'll keep the boy, even though he makes pointless observations, simply because he reminds me of a Mark Twain character, can you guess which one?! He is filthy from head to toe, barefoot, and pants rolled up... see the resemblance?

Here we have it 'skinned'. Shawn has done a great job being the muscles of this job and letting me have some creative license. He was none too thrilled with the detail of the arched door (simply because it will be tougher to do) but I reassured him that it was a necessity! It ties into the arches on the house, specifically the carriage house and house garage doors that face the coop. ONES coop must coordinate with the human living structures, right?, RIGHT!! So the door will be arched... and the front window will have shutters too. Why? Cause it will be cute dear husband, cute, cute, CUTE!!! Next task, to finish the roof. Then I need to wait till next paycheck and I will start the cedar shingles, keeping them raw and fabulous. Just wait, you won't be able to contain the ooohs and aaaahs at this precious structure when it is done. Of course that will be until the chickens get ahold of it and poop all over it... but for the split second it is prestine, I will be happy!!
It is coming along. It looks great! Of course the chicken coop has to coordinate with the house. DUH!
It is coming along. It looks great! Of course the chicken coop has to coordinate with the house. DUH!
Good for you! I'm impressed!
Way to go! Glad it is coming along! Can't wait to see it all finished.
I noticed your woodpile the other day and thought how pretty it was, too, tell Savannah that great minds think ALIKE!!! :)
I'm jealous. I have raised beds like that ...but the deer come in my yard and munch all my herbs and veggies. I need a really high fence!
Dawn, I am burning with one important question: how many hours are in your day? Seriously, you and your family are impressive!
Wow, I am also impressed! I love the coop and yes it must coordinate with the house!
You amaze me. Glad it is bit by bit. It looks like it could be overwhelming.
I love all the work you're doing. You go girl!!! To have the freedom to do this on your own is wonderful. What's also wonderful is having the bare ground to do the work on. Up here in Maine (Northern Maine! - Near Canada) we still have plenty of snow. To see your son barefoot and outside working makes me so jealous. Keep having fun!!!
I LOVE IT! You are awesome...I don't know if I could handle a chicken coop...ick! :) I think wood is pretty too...I like your stack. Next time we are in town, I am inviting myself over! ;)
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