I know that my Savior lives. I know that he loves me and showed that intense love so many years ago. I love imagining what my heart will feel when He comes again and I can embrace Him.
Our Easter weekend was one full of family time and a little excitement thrown in for good measure. We had a nasty storm blow through that left us piles of hail. This is the first time Ty has seen hail and he was amazed. He grabbed him a stash and it is currently in our freezer now... for what future purpose? No idea but he checks on his 'frozen balls' often to make sure they are doing OK.

In his excitement, he grabbed the closest shoes he could find. They happened to be his big brothers shoes... I feared that he would break an ankle as he ran around, but all bones were fine afterward, whew!

The HIT in the Easter baskets were kites. We actually have the wide open spaces to fly these and the kids were ecstatic. Ty told everyone at church that he got a Transformer kite.

But as it turned out... there was not much breeze out and even the kids Hero, aka Dad, got exhausted running and running to keep them up. So the next windy day... you KNOW what the Callahan gang will be out doing.

Savannah was the best pilot! She got her kite to stay up for the longest. Out of all my kids she definitely has the most 'stick to ITness'. Her kite makes me laugh. She is so tough to buy for. She is a classic tomboy, no pink, no frills... so the typical kites for girls with sparkles and tinkerbell would have caused revolt. Thankfully she thought the frog was great and the long leg as a kite tail was so funny.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. And once again I testify that I know that my Redeemer lives, I truly KNOW this and realize the blessing that this knowledge is.
I love kites...they are such fun toys for old and young!
Glad you had a good Easter...we did also.
I love Ty in those shoes! Cutie!
Such a lovely post. I love the hail, shoes, kite and the sweet thoughts. Have a great week.
We have a great collecting of hail stones in our freezer, too, that is quite babied! :)
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