When Taylor is on the farm... well, lets just say she leaves no stone unturned, no dandelion unblown, no kitty unpetted, and no puppy unscolded. She owns her world and I love watching her conquer it!!
I must admit that I become quite possessive and vain when I am around Ms. Taylor. Mine, mine, mine... I adore this gal. And when we are out and about and I get compliments on my daughter... um, well... I say 'thank you'!!! Like I had anything to do with her beauty!! The man at Lowes this morning said that she was so very striking... again, there I was with the 'thank you', not the 'she's just borrowed' or 'this is my niece'... nope, I just say thank you... should I seek professional help?
When it is time to give Taylor back to her REAL parents, I don't cry, or cause a scene... so I'm gonna take that as a sign that I am within my rights as an aunt. Denial is a beautiful thing.

Hopefully the other aunts will get better photos of Bella, my camera didn't handle the bright window light too well, so this is only a teaser. Bella is our 18th niece/nephew, such a blessing!!
Congratulations to Taylor and the rest of your hugemongo family!
Bella is a beauty. Wonder if they really will look like twinners? I love it when that happens.
Cutie! I can't wait for more pictures!
So glad that you posted a picture! I've been blog-watching all day waiting to see if someone would post a picture. She is such a cutie... can't wait to see her myself!!
You are a fun aunt; congratulations to the whole clan!
Dawn you DO have a way with words. Your post are so fun to read.
Congratulations! to all.
Ms Taylor is sooo adorable. isn't it amazing how you just FALL IN LOVE with nieces and nephews?
Let me share this story...
Life of Riley
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