Wednesday, December 10

WilliamsSonoma, PotteryBarn, and goat?

Mama goat did reject the baby goat, Madi. I can be quite flexible, but I refuse to have an inside animal, refuse, absolutely stand my ground on this point, absolutely... until a little, bity, cutey patootie, goat is born and now we have an inside animal, one that has to be bottlefed every 2 hours!! I am so consistent and firm, or at least i USED to be. Madi has a crooked ear, squeaks like a duck, wags her tail like a puppy, and hops like a rabbit... we may have a severe case of identity crisis. And you won't believe what I bought at Target this week for the first time in 5 years! Diapers, wetones, bottles, nipples, and ingredients for 'simulated' goats milk... well that last item I've NEVER bought before. I have misplaced my camera, but I promise to overwhelm you with lots of pics as soon as I find it, and if I can figure out how to post video, then you can hear her squeak, too funny!!


Karen said...

Oh my. What a Christmas you will have! Good luck.

kmmclain said...

And you thought you were done having children? :)
Best of luck. I'm sure your children are loving this right now and are a great help. Your adventure on the farm continues to grow. I am enjoying the story...

Beth said...

even every 2 hours during the night? Yikes. There's no way I'd be trotting in and out of the house in this weather to feed little Madi outside, so she'd be in my house too!