Do you think Madi will ever forgive us for the diaper thing? Nope, I don't think so either!
But we will try to explain to her that it was the only way I could fathom a goat running amuck in my house. In all my hopes and dreams... a baby goat taking up residence with us was not filed away in there anywhere.
But truth be told, she is extremely low maintenance, for now!!

Photographing a goat is near impossible!!! They never hold still, and they want to eat the camera, plain and simple!

Anything with an ounce of texture has her tongue all over it! Once she starts teething, her free reign will come to an abrupt halt... I've got tons of items with fabulous texture that I don't want little goat teeth prints in, grin.

And when we loose track of Madi, er, umm, did I just say we occasionally
lose the baby?????!!! Well, yep, we have, but it took us only one day to realize her favorite hiding place is under my bed. I guess cause there is a nice and cozy heat vent there, and a fabulous shag carpet!

I can't figure out how to get my video off my camera onto my computer, but when I do... you'll get to hear the squeak of protest she makes when she is discovered under the bed.
To her defense, she doesn't get many moments of peace and quiet... we're a tad fond of her, quite the novelty.
I think we shall forever remember Christmas 2008 with a baby goat running around our Christmas trees and licking the presents!
Too Cute! I am so impressed that you are taking care of this little kid. I was raised on a farm, where in the winter we had to bring the little piglets in by the wood burning stove for them to stay warm. I have great memories of that. This is a great thing ya'll are doing! Since my Dad passed we no longer have pigs, cows, chickens and turkeys on our 6 acres, but I have been thinking a lot about raising them again. Lots of work. Unfortunately we raise them to eat. But it sure was good! BTW, they sometimes have goat and sheep workshops out here in the Agri Bldg on Moore's Mill.
That is one cute goat!!! I hope the camera is all she wants to eat! :)
Those pictures just make me wanna come and get a good squeeze in!
Dawn, I must pick up my jaw. I cannot believe a goat is on the loose in your house. I have a feeling this is in no way the last post about this goat. I look forward to the drama . . . err, stories! :)
Oh my gosh, I bet Savannah is beside herself! I want to see the little one, and I'm sure if I told the girls (haven't shared the news yet as when I do, there will be riot over here when I don't immediately hop in the van to take them to see the baby) they would too! You are a good person, having a goat in the house. But seriously, it's so cute, how could you resist!
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