A 'tag' about the person I adore the most!
Where did you meet?Quite cliche... but in a singles ward in Utah. I could not keep my eyes off him. I even caught myself peeking at him one Sunday while he was blessing the sacrament, naughty girl!
My southern accent and Southern Belle charms got real thick during that time...I had to use something to stand out in that dating meat market, grin.
How long did you date before you were married?
Too long, I prayed about him after our second date and knew I would love him forever.
We dated 3 months before he proposed, and we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple 3 months after that. I never got nervous, never got cold feet, never wanted anything more in my entire life!
How long have you been married?15 years. We have lived in 11 different wards, 5 different states, 4 years of college, 4 years of graduate school, 1 year of residency, 3 years in the AirForce, and now we are happily settled in the country, whew!
What is your favorite quality of his?
Easy... his short memory.
He has tremendous, unconditional love for me. The one person that knows ALL of my weaknesses and faults, loves me more than anyone else. Amazing!
He sends me flowers, he comes to me first when he returns home each day, he tells our children how much he loves ME, and kisses me goodnight... everynight, without fail!
What is your favorite feature of his?His blue eyes. I still remember being lost in them across from the altar.
Does he have a nickname for you?
'My love'
What is his favorite color?
He says he doesn't have one, but I personally love when he wears light blue or orange.
What is his favorite food?
Toughy, he has a different food he chooses at each restaurant we go too. But I would say Mexican wins, he especially likes pico de gallo and shredded steak in his mexican anything.
What is his favorite sport?
He has played a little of everything in his life. He was his high school jock and valedictorian... not a combo you see very often!
Shawn just loves staying active and is willing to try anything that gets him outside.

When and where was your first kiss?Precious moment in time... standing in my grandmother's kitchen.
It was after our second date and he was leaving.
We had just laughed about something concerning our first date, and he leaned in and kissed me.
I must have looked shocked, because he apologized afterwards.
NO APOLOGY needed, I assured him.
He left, I ran straight to my room to wake my sister up and tell her he was the ONE!
Do you have any children?We have 3 children that we adore. Having children was not an easy time for us, so each one is a true miracle and blessing. Shawn was always so kind and understanding with me.
His favorite type of music?He listens to a wide range. But
oh do we enjoy torturing our children when they are trapped in a vehicle with us and we blast the 80's classics. Ahhhh, good times!
What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We love to travel,
take Sunday naps together,
work on projects together,
sketch out or make a 'to do' list of our future dreams,
but my favorite thing to do is, wake up with him, nowhere we have to be,
no alarm clocks, and a whole day at home with him.
What do you admire most about him?
His Ambition...
this trait of his drives me wild, seriously!
I noticed this about him the first time we met... he 'had a plan', he had goals, he didn't mind working real hard to achieve them.
The man can't just be lazy, he just can't, he has to be able to get in bed at night... give a big sigh... and say, 'I got a lot done today'!
Never, ever, did my Utah boy think that he would be living in Alabama, owner of donkeys, 15 acres, and more vines and brush to be controlled than humanly possible...
yet, here he is... willing to tolerate the humidity, mosquitos, build fences, and barns and sheds, and, and, and, ummmmmmm
MY many landscaping dreams!
And just when I think I can't love him any more... he tells me that he loves it here,
and he loves my big, crazy, fabulous family, and he loves me....
and there it happens again,
my heart flips,
I get goosebumps,
and I smile! I'm a blessed gal!