Today we started homeschooling. The kids were busting with excitement! Some of there curriculum is done on computers so they spent the morning getting more familiar with that. Conveniently for me, they will have 'homeroom' sites that log their work/hours and will help when it is time to report their progress. First order of 'business' is to help them become better typers! They are one finger key pushers, and while that does not seem to bother them in the least now, I'm sure it will in the future, and it surely will save me from pulling my hair out! I received one recommendation for a fun 'Learn to Type' cd and have found it on Amazon. Any other suggestions?
So don't think us anti-social when we don't answer the phone from 8am-1pm... the Callahans are just doing some learnin'!
Totally unrelated subject... I am reeeeling thinking about how much my daughter has converted me to loving these animals of ours. Who knew?! My objective to moving out here was the lifestyle... helps us slow down, invite silence, etc. Secondly it was the Land, I am a wanna be landscape designer... now if I only had the big bucks needed to do my big plans, grin. And of course, I had my dream home plan that I toted around with me for over 10 years. But it was NEVER about owning animals for me. I knew that I had run out of time and excuses and would have to get at least a few furry, stinky thingeys to please my ever patient daughter, but I thought I would just tolerate it. Quite the opposite, while I would not dare say I love them to the same degree Savannah does... that is quite unique... I do enjoy them a lot!
While on a trip with Shawn recently, I needed to waste some time while he was in a seminar. I strolled through a mall. And there was a little shop with WillowTree figurines. I don't really 'collect' specific items... I do enjoy antiques, but otherwise I just buy what I fall in love with. BUT these figurines draw me in, everytime. So much feeling and emotion in them... and they don't even have facial features, it amazes me! In this store they had a few miscellaneous figurines marked very low because they had no boxes or were bits and pieces of a larger set that were incomplete. For the first time, I really noticed the animal figurines. They are so very precious too. I got this girl, love her! And this random goat, I think it should belong to a ensemble cast from Nativity set, I got him and a bull, or maybe it is an oxen from the nativity too. Now I want to run up and tear in to my Christmas boxes and see if I have anymore animals from my nativity set, I think I only have sheep, but then cluster all these lovelies together. Won't that be cutey. Tap, tap, tap... is this thing on?...Silence... chirp... chirp... OK, so work with me here. Don't you think it may be cute on my little table I have by my front door?! I think it would be quite representative of our 'life' and 'loves' to greet you as you enter our home. So I am off, to hunt down any other WillowTree animals I may already own and make a wishlist for ones I would love to receive. There is a donkey available right? Don't need a camel, even I know when to say when... I think! Let me live in bliss, or is it sillyness, either way, I have a huge grin on my face... next comes the ever faithful.... hugging myself, I'm so predictable!

I HEART Willow Tree!
Your two finds are a total score. They are perfect. My favorite is that precious little goat. Who knew?
Yes, they do have a donkey. And I think you'll cave about the camel. I'm just saying...
I love willow tree, but only have one piece because my money seems to end up going other places! I guess I will have to get a few pieces here and there sometime!
I LOVE WILLOW TREE!! I can just sit there and stare at them for hours upon hours, because they do just have so much emotion. I don't have any though...I just dream over them. But your finds are adorable!
Here is a link to a typing game for the kids (and us grownups can get addicted too):
I really like the way you LOVE things!
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