Do you know how you can tell that I am so excited I can't contain myself? I hug myself! Yep, it keeps me from jumping up and down, swinging my arms in pure joy like a toddler, and to ensure no spontaneous outbursts of happy dancing. I did not want to worry the sweet couple we were getting our new pets from, so I stood there... well... you know... squeeeeeze!
Here is the new herd. Six goats and two miniature donkeys. We had to make two trips with a horse trailer to get them all home. The goats were fairly easy... I say easy, but, what I mean is... it was easy for ME to watch Shawn grab them by their horns and show them who is boss. Donkeys were a tad trickier to get loaded. I actually was forced to stop hugging myself during this episode because 'all hands were on deck'. So I cannot be held responsible for the annoying giggling that I did during this roundup!

Ready for more introductions? In the back is Molly, and the rear shot (sorry) is Eeyore.

This is Molly's markings, see the cross? That is why these donkeys are often called 'Nativity Donkeys'. I couldn't get a 'right side up' shot of her cross because we have been told it is VERY unwise to stand behind a donkey, note taken!

And below is Eeyore's marking, they are fainter but his overall body color is gorgeous!

Now for the goats. Look at THIS fella. Shawn and I took one of our favorite vacations to Pennsylvania, and this guy reminds me of the sweet Amish men, very intense, very stoic. So a common Amish name we heard was Eli... so meet Eli. He is short and strong. Funny thing is that he can be pushy with the other male but is quite submissive with the females... what a wise goat!

Here is one of our mother/daughter duos. The mother is Lucy, her daughter is Emme.

This other black mommy goat is Daisy.....

and her significant other... Duke. Whats that? Did those of you, like me, that grew up in the 80s just giggle over Daisy and Duke? snort!

Here is a family shot... Daisy on the left, Duke, and Jilly (Daisy's daughter) on the right.

And do you remember Jack? Him and his mom, Amelia were our first two goats. Amelia has experience around other goats, so she is adapting well and seems quite thrilled for the added company. Jack on the other hand, is less than thrilled. He is very socialized with humans, but not happy with the new animal company. Seems to be looking at the rest, hoping they are only here for a short visit. Notice Jacks tail, usually this signals that he is about to 'drop his contents', but in this case it means, 'I don't want to play with the other goats and NOONE can make me.' Amelia is the cutest little mommy and tries to nudge Jack over and over again to the other goats. He is having NONE of it! OH, come on Jack, don't you see that cute little black goat we named just for YOU?!! Jack and Jilly, you two were meant to be sweethearts!
Holy cow! No, I mean Holy goats! That's a lot of animals. What a fun day for you. What cute names.
I love it! Things have been busy at your place. Enjoy!
I linked to your blog from Dana's blog. I love your new little critters - especially the donkeys.
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