My sense of balance sure isn't what it used to be, whimper...

It has become my normal routine each morning, to take a peek at the chicks in the garage and wish them happy morning. THIS morning ended up with me... on the cold cement, holding my breath in pain, terrified to look under me to find a squashed chick!
Seems as I was walking down our garage steps... I should have first looked down! We currently have the chicks in a plastic swimming pool, which this morning I found out... too late... that they are now big enough to escape.
All I know is that I took a step and felt fluff and decided that little chicks life was worth leaping awkwardly from the step... in which case I DID not make a good landing, an embarrassing flop is probably more accurate.
I heard a pop, feared the worse.
X-rays found no breaks, just a severe sprain.
After all our drama this morning... Ty simply stated, 'Sure glad you didn't go and smoosh the chick mom... that would have been real sad.'
I guess the sight of his mom crying and rolling around in the garage floor was not sad at all.
Where's the love?!
OH, I am cringing at the mental image you've just described. I hope you get better soon.
So...when the chick is big enough are you gonna eat it?
When you wrote "squashed chick" I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I am so glad you did not actually begin your day the way I thought you had.
Oh, ouch! I am so sorry! I hope your sprain heals VERY soon!
PS A squished chick would have been very bad... I'd have jumped too!
Oh you poor thing! What a way to start the day. I hope you are doing okay, and glad the chicks are okay too :)
I, too, thought at first you were saying that you did squish the chick. Glad to hear that you didn't. Sorry to hear about the incidental injury you obtained while trying to save the chick!! I think everyone would have done the same! Hope it's not too bad and that you'll recover quickly!
What exactly did you sprain? Do you need anything?
Ha! I love Ty's concern for you.
Oh dear! I have nothing new to add to the previous :)
carden so cute
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