#1 - Tulips... especially white ones. I planted a few at my entrance and these are called 'String of Pearls'. In the future, I plan to be real obnoxious and have millions of all different white tulips!

#2 - Laughing Children! I had an Enriching Lives Class at my home today. Funny thing... it was a cooking class and I was the instructor. There are a few things I cook well, and with my new found joy of cooking, I'm sure to get even better, hope, hope! I taught how to cook Calzones, and then we all ate our samples for lunch. Attendees brought their kiddos and the day was a wonderful mix of good food, great company, and lots of kiddos running around on this absolutely gorgeous day. I seriously hated to see them all go... but I thank them for brightening my day!!
Love the tulips. And where did this love of cooking come from. I have been looking for years for it! Calzones sound great!
Tulips are my absolute favorite. Oh and I love calzones... it's making my mouth water.
Your tulips are beautifu! They are my fav, too!
Your tulips are gorgeous! I wish I had planted some! Calzones are so yummy, you must share the recipe!
The tulips are so beautiful. I love white/ivory toned flowers. There's nothing obnoxious about wanting hundreds of them! I can't wait to see them one day. When did you start liking to cook?
I love tulips. Before last winter, I had planted tons of tulip bulbs in my flower beds. The problem was that I had goats, and we used to let them out of their pen and wander around. One day, the female found her way to my flowerbed and that was the end of my tulips. Just as those poor babies began bursting through she pulled them right out of the ground and munched away! Needless to say, I don't have the goats anymore. Perhaps I'll have more luck this year.
The tulips are gorgeous, especially in person! Did you find a kind that don't have to be dug up and replated every year? I'm still feeling a little lazy in that department!
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