I am going a little back in time to last weekend.
We got a beautiful layer of snow on Sunday morning. I didn't believe it would actually happen like forecasted... but I knew it did happen when my children enthusiastically ran outside to feed all the animals that morning.
Usually, only Savannah does that task willingly. Seems a little snow provided her with two assistants.
Funny thing is that it took twice as long as usual, giggle, I'm sure a few snowballs had to be made along the way.
We got a beautiful layer of snow on Sunday morning. I didn't believe it would actually happen like forecasted... but I knew it did happen when my children enthusiastically ran outside to feed all the animals that morning.
Usually, only Savannah does that task willingly. Seems a little snow provided her with two assistants.
Funny thing is that it took twice as long as usual, giggle, I'm sure a few snowballs had to be made along the way.

She returned with tons to tell. Yes, her Uncle Nate did embarrass her, she was already prepared for that! She danced a lot throughout the night. And she was sure to tell me all about the cute guy that asked her to dance, twice! She is so tight lipped... has never been boy crazy, so for her to even mention a cute guy, meant she had fun.

I can not be trusted to PUT THE BOOK DOWN and do other things.
I have a chicken coop and fencing to build. I'm trying to do them without the assistance of dear hubby. He tends to not take orders well, likes to be general contractor on projects. I am being stubborn on this one because I want it to be cute! It will be functional too, but logic will not outweigh CUTE!!! So Shawn has been given another task and it is about to drive him crazy
being ordered out of the chicken coop area!!
This weekend is supposed to be beautiful. Hope to be able to report on lots and lots of project getting done on the Callahan Farm by weeks end.
I have been dieing to know how it went with Savannah. I hope to get DETAILS later
So, Dawn, will you be coming to May's reading group? Please do! How did you like Sarah's Quilt? I want to read it.
I remember my first dance. I don't think I was busting with nervousness or excitement.. I just watched everybody acting a fool.. haha
I'm glad Savannah had fun though I regret not being outgoing at dances but that's changed since I've been out here at BYU.
Love you!!
Dawn where did you get your chicks(chickens)? I may have missed that blog. We used to get ours at CT Garvins, they won't have until Easter. We want to raise our own for eggs again. Any suggestions?
Kayti and Josh both said that it looked like Savannah was having fun! I'm glad that she enjoyed it.
I am a little slow on the blog this week. I am so sorry about your fall. I still feel my elbow and I hope you recover fast. I am reading These are my words too and I know how hard it is to put a book down. I hope you have a great weekend.
I can relate to your feelings about Savannah...I have a few girls just like her! Good luck on your chicken coop...I don't think I would have much motivation to build one...but I am excited to see yours!
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