The chicks are now outside in a cage.
We can't hear them EXCEPT when there is an escapee! Then they all go bonkers chirping things like... 'that's not fair!'... 'its MY turn to breakout!'... 'HEY, I'm skinnier than you so why can't I get through those bars!!'
We can't hear them EXCEPT when there is an escapee! Then they all go bonkers chirping things like... 'that's not fair!'... 'its MY turn to breakout!'... 'HEY, I'm skinnier than you so why can't I get through those bars!!'

She is causing civil unrest, but she doesn't seem the least bit repentant.

Meanwhile, where is the cat during all this... shouldn't she be terrorizing them, showing them whose boss, keeping them under control?!? Nope, she is lounging in my flower pots! I can't make her understand that though my pots seem to be filled with dead rubbish... there is actually some green things trying to grow back if she would just keep her kitty bum OUT OF MY POTS.

I really enjoyed reading your blog. This one, about the chicks, I can so relate to. They are so adorable when they are little, then they get big and not so cute. I love how you have your farm. Although it sounds like a lot of work, it's something that my husband and I have been working for. Just the thought of being self-sustaining in these times and in our possible future, really motivates me to get into farming. I'll definitely be following your blog. By the way, I know what you mean about the spell checker. It can really be a bully.
Such a cute little thing to be causing so much trouble. BTW-Are you published yet?!?
I didn't realize you had so MANY chicks! Yowza!
I think kitty in the pot is cute. You leave her alone. ;)
What does Karen mean "published"?! Spill.
It cracks me up that se struts around...
That is too funny! Ok, so I had the weirdest dream night before last. Jarom and I came to look at some land that you were selling by your house and a house exactly like my grandmothers (only in better condition) was on the land, and the land connected to dittos landing... I'll have to tell you all of the funny parts next time I see you. It was so strange!
Ha, gotta love a renegade chick! She is definitely Mayfield.
We can't all be followers...some of us have to allow our frees spirits to soar! :)
My cat does the same thing and it drives me BONKERS! Now wonder my plants kept dying last spring!
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