Sunday, February 8

Trying to picture 'IT'

So Ty woke up feeling great the other morning and was so relieved to be rid of the crud that has blanketed our household. He announced gladly, "I finally got rid of the Callahan cooties!" Then without missing a beat he turned to me and asked, "Do cooties have 1 eye or 2 eyes?"
I found it hilarious that while sick, he was picturing an ACTUAL cootie making him sick.
So I asked myself... what in this world must the cootie look like that has gripped me for almost 3 weeks now. I started with a nasty stomack yucka... then felt human again for 2 days... then got severe flu symptoms, thought I had survived the worst of that... and now I have a horrible sore throat that causes me to revert back to a 2 yr old and whimper everytime I swallow, if I knew how to spit, I WOULD, to not have to swallow... but I literally cannot spit, its a phenomenon I have never possessed!
I literally laid in my front yard yesterday hoping the sun would 'zap' my cooties out of me.
I even built veggie garden beds with Shawn and ignored how awful I felt thinking I could WILL myself better.
Nope, no such luck! So now I sit here in bed trying to picture my cootie. I think mine has 2 eyes, is green and orange, and has a mischieveous grin! I don't know how this cootie can hold up shop inside me with how hard I cough... so it must be a stubborn little fella too.


Anonymous said...

You don't know how to spit? What do you do when you brush your teeth haha. thats crazy! :) Hope u feel better!!

Kim Mayfield said...

Kids say the greatest things!

Sorry y'all are sick, too. We can sympathize with you. We've had strep, the stomach bug, and just general yuckiness around here. My throat started feeling better today... just in time for what feels like a sinus infection coming on. I'm grateful, though, for the warm weather so at least we can start to air the house out and try to get rid of a few cooties!

Hope you feel better soon!!

MaioCampo said...


Cari said..., you'll love it.

My throat was really sore for a few days but it went away on it's own. Hopefully all will be completely better ASAP!

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Mean ole cooties!!!! Hope you feel better soon!

Beth said...

The mean ole cootie has come to live at our house now! That is too funny!