Wednesday, December 23

Peanuts, Pistachios, Pecans... OH MY!!

One day last week, I ran into town to go grocery shopping.  I left the boys at home with a clear list of schoolwork to complete.

And since my valiant fellas oooooze with strict obedience, following instructions with exactness, and beam with integrity.... this is what I found upon returning home...

A mess,
a HUGE colossal mess!

A mess that had 'Christian' written ALL over it!
The heavy duty glue, hot glue gun, and power tools gave him away.

The story went something like this:
'Mom, before you blow your top... listen... cause I really think you'll be happy about this.'
Seems while Christian was finishing lunch he was eating some nuts and was overcome with shear brilliance, or so HE termed it.

And what could this brilliance be?


Which of course turned into a very messy Mouse making factory, with Christian as the foreman.

He cranked out a whole Legion of the critters.

And it so happens, I did decide he would be forgiven for his colossal mess,
cause I ended up gluing his cutey creations on top of some candles... adding a cute tag... and giving these as goodies to the attendees at the Barn Tree Trimmin' Saturday night.

Ty, upon seeing that Christian was spared his life after his creative outburst,
decided he had to do some nut creations of his own.

His nut of choice was peanuts.
Can you tell what it is?

And one little donkey turned into an entire manger scene...

Complete with Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus.

Please note in the top left... a camel, hump and all.
A goat and sheep round out the whole ensemble.

Ty could not last a week without using popsicle sticks in some form or fashion.
And so the crowning glory... the star!
Oh Holy Night!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness how creative! Those mice were totally TOTALLY cute!!!

MrsMama said...

That boy is one creative cookie! I like that he even incorporated the use of a power tool in the project. Way to go!

Mandi said...

I am loving the mice. What creative kids you have!

Jessica said...

wow I must say I am quite impressed! so fun!

Anonymous said...

The sheer brilliance of it all is awesome! Love the mice and that you were able to use them.

Jenni said...

LOVE THEM! So cute and so creative - wish I liked nuts so I could craft me up some too!

Beth said...

those mice are so stinkin' adorable!!! Really the whole thing is, but I would have died as a kid to have some of those mice to play with. CUTE.

Jude and Ashley said...

This is so cute. I love it!

Disney said...

Are you kidding me right now? This is completely adorable!!

Debbie said...

They are so stinkin' creative... wonder where they got it from ;-) The mice are so cute, and I am absolutely amazed by the whole nativity scene!

The Happy Haynie Family said...

So creative!!!!