Wednesday, December 16

Our Family Tree

Be still my heart!
I have been looking for over a year for an artful way to display our family tree.
I was just about to make one myself, but then I came across this one here.
I contemplated being a massive copy-cat and making my own version, but this was definitely one time that I wanted the ORIGINAL.

It arrived just minutes ago and I am crying joyful tears.
It is so well done, attached to high quality textured matt board.

 I love how Shawn and I's initials are 'carved' into the trunk,
with the first and middle initials of each of our sweet babes below.


So now it sits leaned against the wall...
cause we still don't have our art shelves up in the family room.
Now I have added incentive to poke, prod, nag, gently nudge my sweet hubby to get the shelves done!


Anonymous said...

oh that is ADORABLE!!

Lisha said...

OH MY GOSH!!! You are right! I need one! So send me the link!

Lisha said...

ps, where did you get the frame? I love the way it looks!

Sandy said...

I loved your Christmas decorations! You know Dawn, you are so very talented. I know you could be a great interior designer if you wanted to!! Love you family tree!!

Sandy said...

Dawn! I received my gift today and I LOVED IT!! Did you know that red birds are my favorite. I love to watch them outside my kitchen window. It's so precious, I am going to hang it in my window! Thanks so very much!! Thank you for all of your kind words as well, very sweet of you.

Disney said...

That was super-cute before, but in the frame it is just gorgeous!

Meg said...

Oh my... you blogged about your tree!!! I was just glancing through your blog tonight and I have to say this made my night. I'm so glad that you like it! It feels good to make things for people that really mean something...