Saturday, October 18

Two Crusheypoos!

Crush #1:
While I have been a huge fan, sometimes stalker, of
'a greenfield photography'...
today, I am just about to bust.
The Mayfield Clan, in its ENTIRETY, was blessed to have KimG
come for a session. Can you imagine trying to photograph 30+ people... all with different personalities, wants, expectations? We tried real hard to behave ourselves, but once again, you can describe our family in two words... wonderful chaos! Thank you Kim!
Crush #2:
I am in love with a computer geek, nope, Shawn is not said computer geek. Scandalous, I know!! It is my firm belief that every family should have at least 1 geek in their ranks, and we are blessed to have a couple. But specifically our bil Chris, is the hero today. Our computer has been 'diseased' for 2 weeks. In a matter of a few hours, Chris saved our sanity and restored our computer to us. Sniffle, sniffle, excuse my tears of joy.
PS - in case you may want to think harsh of me calling my bil Chris a geek, Chris proudly wears a shirt that declares this title!
So, I shall return to blogging, including pictures... you lucky readers! Well, probably not till Monday because I had a strenuous day of smiling for the camera and keeping my children clean as they ran around 15 acres of potential grass stains, animal poop, trees begging to be climbed, and cousins running a muck! What a great day!


danakat said...

I can't wait to see the pictures!
You had some taken of your property too, didn't you? Hope to see those as well!

kg said...

We got some fun ones...I hope to post soon and hope you all like!!! You guys were great!

Beth said...

I am so excited to see the pictures too! Kim is doing our family pics in November and then we are going to set up Haynie fam pics in December, woohoo!