Wednesday, October 15

Please don't tell the librarian...

So today was quite a warm day out, Ty finished school early and we decided to walk around and play with the animals. We ended up in the pen with the barn animals, I sat in a chair in the shade, and Ty pretty much chased the goats endlessly. Six of our goats love us when we feed them but otherwise want us to admire them from a distance. Ty finds this funny and torments them with lovin'.
So while the goats are busy running away from Ty, our 2 barn donkeys... Molly and Eeyore, were beside themselves excited with my attention. But I had brought a book with me to read, and they were being quite nosey. So Molly would nudge me and bat her eyelashes at me... Eeyore would eehaaaawww and poke his ears in my face. Go away donkeys and let me read in peace!! Next thing I know, those 2 rascals ganged up on me... Eeyore pooped on my boot, WHILE MY FOOT WAS STILL IN THAT BOOT, ruuuuude, and then Molly grabbed my book out of my hands with her mouth and ran away with it!
Hardy, har, har, now come back with my book you cute donkey... being a sweet southern donkey that she is, she obeyed me and trotted back over to me and dropped my book right in the poop Eeyore had just so kindly laid at my feet. EWWWW!!
Just in case you need to reference this for later... Wiping donkey poop off a paperback library book does in NO WAY remove the color OR the smell! I have Febreezed it and am hoping for the best. So do you think the librarian will have me arrested for unlawful donkey poop on public library property. If I go to jail, Molly and Eeyore are coming with me, it was a


Beth said...

ah, what book was it so I will be sure not to check it out! :)

shari said...

So funny!!! Naughty little donkeys. I have such bad experience with libraries.

mom2eight said...

try putting the book in a zip lock bag with baking soda and leave it for a couple of days. if fabreeze and baking soda doesn't do the trick the book is a gonor.

Karen said...

Poo on a library book. Now that is funny. Set up or no set up, I think you'll be buying that book!!!

danakat said...

Maybe you should just buy it.
Everyone needs at least one stinky momento of funny times.

Quincy Sorensen said...

Over the years, I think a lot of reckless behavior will be blamed on Molly, Eeyore, and Friends. :)

Dayna said...

Dawn, that is hysterical! I'm sorry about your boot, though. And I don't think I could handle a ruined book. That's where I draw the line. :)

I miss hearing your donkeys from across the yard when we visit your neighbors. Life in the north doesn't compare to our good times there, but we have fond memories to cherish.

I hope to keep up with your blog more faithfully now that we're semi-settled.

Debbie said...

HAHAHA... that's all I have to say!!