My precious family is all over the place this weekend. Shawn is off rafting on his brothers/dad reunion. Savannah and Christian are camping out under the stars next door. And Ty is quite content to be cuddled here next to me watching a movie. I love a very special trait he has gotten from his dad... laughing out loud. Seriously! I rarely do it... I giggle, grin, snort... rarely allowing myself to bust out in laughter. Ty sees something funny, and the whole house KNOWS he is delighted. A child's laugh is just one of those many blessings given to mommies... wouldn't you agree?!
I think I'm the say way.
Some days I'll have laughing moments, but for the most part...I'm a snorter with a silent laugh. Sometimes I just actually say the words "that's funny" so people will know I'm entertained.
And you are so right...a child's laughter can cure any heartache, frustration, or contentious moment. What a sweet night for you and your littlest man.
I meant "same" way.
Typos bug me when it's me doing them.
It's nice when you can have "bonding" time with one of your kiddos!
A child's laugh can pull at the heart strings!
So true! He's so cute too!
I LOVE to hear Taylor laugh. Sometimes I have a silent laugh and sometimes I can laugh obnoxiously loud (it's obnoxious to me anyway). I look forward to seeing what kinds of things will really entertain her in the future.
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