Wednesday, May 14

"Where would you go in a hot air balloon?"

"I wood go to chukee cheesis you get coyns and you get ticets and you can bi things with your ticets. I love the pizza and the motersykle games that you can ride."
- Ty, age 6... soon to be a 1st grader :)


shari said...

So cute picture!! What a smart young man and handsome.

Karen said...

I love you blog. I can't believe Ty is a first grader! Crazy how time flies.

Anonymous said...

cute! Sounds like he really loves Chuckie Cheese! I can't believe he is getting so big!

I'm starting to feel old seeing all the kids that were still babies or toddlers, going off to school! And many of my beehives getting married! :)

danakat said...

Well it is a cool place.

I love your Mother's Day picture. Beautiful!

And try to tone down the spider dance. You can't afford to damage yourself.

Beth said...

To chuckie cheese??? How funny! I still wonder why kids love to go to that place when their mascot is a rat!

Debbie said...

haha.. He must really love Chuck E. Cheese. I mean.. couldn't he just go there by car? Wouldn't he prefer to use his hot air balloon to go somewhere else? ;-)