Christian did our Family Home Evening tonight. His topic was the 'Armor of God'. He taught a wonderful lesson, then we played a board game version of the same subject. The funnest part of the night was the boys dressing up in the armor. Had to get some pictures of that. Then we had tortilla chips and cheese dip for refreshements, YUM!! Wonderful night, we continue to have FHE on Sunday nights because of Monday night ball games and Savannah has a PTA performance tomorrow night too.

So do you recognize all the pieces? Helmet of Salvation, aka baseball batting helmet. Breastplate of Righteousness, aka the lining to Shawn's AirForce cami coat. Belt of Truth. Shield of Faith, aka box top with broken hanger which was broke just specially for the 'cause'. Sword of the Spirit, aka bamboo stick with good ole ducktape. And Sandals of Peace, aka soccer sandals. Aren't my little men handsome warriors. Bravo Christian!
Good job, Christian! Very creative!
Wow! Sounds like he did a great job!
Christian is looking pretty fierce in his armor. Sounds like a fun time!
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