This is the 'glimpse' Shawn and I got of the barn while out on a Sunday drive years ago. We noticed a FOR SALE sign on the other side and then the view opened up to this. We were intriqued enough to call the realtor right away. Thank goodness we are such snoops!

Invasion of privacy! I am officially a hen stalker. I check on her constantly. I've never seen her off the eggs. The neighbors reassure me that she does indeed go and get something to eat but knows how long she can be gone before the temperature of the eggs drop, true meaning of 'eating on the run'. She will brood for 3 weeks, very soon we should see some chicks.

This is a logging wagon I bought off ebay. You know when you see something, fall in love with it, but then notice it is LOCAL pickup only... all the way in California!?! I couldn't believe it when this wagon was actually local to me. Kelly M helped Shawn load this beast and get it to the land. I am so thankful. I (more honestly the kiddos) wood seal it often. It won't last forever but it will be gorgeous to watch it gradually weather more.

I love your banner... and we're glad you guys are snoops, too! ;-)
I love your glimpse of the barn. what a great lot you got. Your logging wagon is fantastic. where is it located on your property?
I love when things look like they have a history and there own beauty!I'm glad you're enjoying your land! I know you were so excited when you found it! :)
What good pictures! I love the wagon!
I have the wagon in between my entrance and barn. It'll stay there forever more as it weighs too much to move it other than a few inches here or there, hee-hee.
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