Savannah is our resident milker.
She is off for the week at Young Women's Camp. Savannah has trained me as her understudy. I milk when she is just burnt out, or will be away from the farm during the morning or evening milk time.
This is the longest amount of time Savannah has left me to 'fill in'.

Pictured above on the left is how much Savannah can get from milking in one day... a generous 1/2 gallon. On the right is my best milking day... Savannah has no worries of my taking her job.
Milking can be exhausting. After this experience I may need to do a set couple days a week, cause my hands are whimpy. Seriously. Whimpy.

This is our milking canister. And I am ever so grateful it has a lid, because I have almost knocked this thing over several times after milking and I would have been so very angry over that
spilt milk, whew.

I must admit though, the stroll out to the barn early in the morning and late in the evening have been wonderful...

Don't be alarmed...
This is NOT a torture device, it is our milking bench... looks funny huh?!

It works wonderfully keeping Amelia safe and stable as we milk her. And boy does she love her bucket o' oats. Amelia is a miniature nubian and a dream goat. We got her from our neighbors and loved her immediately.
She is an incredible mommy, got a little spunk to her but gentle... AND
her teets are smooth as velvet! What?! Too much info?! snicker, snort.

If she was a good girl, which she always is... she gets a few raisins after milkings for a huge thankyou!

Thank you Ms. Amelia for being patient with me this week, you're a deer... I mean sweet goat!!
And in closing I would like to add:
WHO? Would leave a pair of nasty dirty socks on the hammock? Don't ever disrespect the hammock, grrrr.

Its a
boy's sock...
is anyone surprised?
Nope, me neither.
That milking table is cool. I always wondered...
My husband and I had planned on milking the mom goat we had, but when she had her baby, we were unable to get it organized. I would have liked to have tried goat's milk. About the sock, I'm certainly not surprised either. I'm the only female in the house (other than my dog Shelby) and I can totally relate.
very impressive! my hands are whimpy too. i would definitely have to work them out.
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