Shawn's dad made a visit to our neck of the woods. The kids adore their Grandpa. Shawn is just like his dad in that neither of them can sit still... they must always be on the go. So the kids took him from one end of the farm to the other, and even over to the river too.

Shawn's mom and dad always had a garden while he was growing up. We hope to be able to can green beans as yummy as Shawn's mom did.

On Sunday, Bill ordained Shawn to the Office of High Priest... which was the main reason for Bill's visit. We so appreciate him making the huge effort to come with such short notice.
After church, they all played tons and tons of games. I think Grandpa found it humorous that the competitive Callahan gene is alive and well in his granchildren, grin!

Thanks again, Bill! This visit meant the world to Shawn and we loved having you here at the farm!!
What a wonderful Grandpa and memory for your family! That was so special for him to ordain Shawn. So wonderful to have family that are members.
That's so awesome that he could come!
Dad's are wonderful!
We want to come a see you!
Why was he ordained a High Priest? Was it for a specific calling?
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