We got another little goat this morning. Her name is Calli, and we look forward to spoiling her rotten. Calli's temperament, ears, and black coloring remind Savannah of our little baby goat, Madi, that we lost this past winter. Calli is part miniature Nubian and Oberhasli, we're hopeful she will be a wonderful little dairy goat.

Amelia should enjoy the company, once she makes sure that Calli understands Amelia has seniority, grin!

These animals are an absolute joy. I'm sure our other goat, Jack, will look forward to hanging out with these ladies in the near future!
Congra-a-a-a-tulations! She is a-a-a-absolutely a-a-a-adorable!
Sorry. Couldn't help it. The goat sounds in my head for too loud to ignore.
And no, there is no medication for that. :)
I never knew a goat could be so photogenic. She's lovely! Hope the transition into your family goes smoothly.
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