I love
toesies in the sand...

We just spent the last week in
Destin, FL. We rented an adorable beach cottage and enjoyed tons of family time at the beach, water park, and golfing. I repeatedly forgot the camera, so the photos are
sparse, but the week was an absolute joy.

There were sand artists next to us on the beach. This octopus made us all smile.

Ty, Christian, and Savannah did the usual treasure collecting.
Savannah will only collect shells in absolute
pristine condition... takes a lot to make it inside her bucket.
Christian loves to collect anything unusual. If it is a tad gross... all the better.
Ty collects a little bit of everything. Bits and pieces, no rhyme or reason... just lots and lots of stuff cause his object is to have a fuller bucket than his older siblings :)
On prior vacations to the beach, Shawn and the two older kids have gone on Deep Sea Fishing Excursions.
This year was Ty's turn. Thankfully, Shawn remembered the camera and captured this wonderful memory!

The boat ride was very rough. Didn't phase Ty in the least... he loved every second of it.

When Shawn and Ty returned home, Shawn let me in on a little secret.
Seems halfway into their little voyage... Ty stated that he missed me.
Ahhhhhh! This kid knows how to melt his mom's heart!
Destin 2009 was a huge success. Can't wait til next year.
Can't deny the wonderful thing it was to pull back into the gravel drive of the farm though!