Tuesday, November 25

Please don't hate me...

I am one of THOSE people that makes New Years Resolutions and actually does them. Yep! I can't help myself.
But as way of explanation, I do my resolutions in a very specific way and then tell a lot of people, of which YOU are now a part by reading this post,
what my resolutions are so I feel the Joy of returning and reporting.
Its how I'm wired... organized resolutions and to do lists... they make me a happy gal.
Many years ago I read an article on 'The 4 F's of Resolutions'. I tried it and it worked for me! And has, every year since!
So as I always do, I reflect on the current years (2008) resolutions and plan out the next years (2009) resolutions throughout the month of December.
I was 100% successful on my 4 resolutions for 2008, yippeee.
Always keep in mind that there is a very fine line between a 'burden' and a 'challenge'. I never resolve to do something that will burden me, forget it, not worth it... but I don't go easy on myself either... I want to grow.
So here are the 4 F's of Resolution:
this is where I set a spiritual goal, sometimes this involves just me and my personal spiritual growth, some years it involves goals that involve my whole family.
this is where I add something new to how our family 'works'. Something to make us stronger, closer.
yep, this is very important!! you know those things you rarely give yourself permission to do, but they give you joy. Well, now you can tell yourself that when you do those little, fun, things... you are actually keeping your New Years Resolution!
Forget IT:
each year I evaluate how I 'do' things, and decide if they have real value. I give myself permission to OMIT something from my life, or routine, because of this resolution. I find that I do some things simply because of habit... this resolution allows me to say, nope, nada, I don't wanna, anymore... and edit! Ahhhhhh! It always feels good to let go!
So to keep it real, I'm going to post my 2009 Resolutions at the end of next month and on to another successful year. I look forward to it!


Quincy Sorensen said...

I like how you organize your resolutions. I try to keep mine, too. New Year's Day is actually one of my favorite days of the year. Time for renewal, change, growth, aspiration. Love it.

MaioCampo said...

I like making resolutions as well, but I stink at keeping them. Unfortunately I have passed the talent down to my children. But we keep working on it.

We make our resolutions in three areas:

1. Mind
2. Body
3. Spirit