Saturday, April 18

Thankful for sweet moments

Last night we had a Ward Activity. It was a Cultural Night where we had members that are return missionaries set up displays of their mission locations and all their memories. It was a wonderful night and the activity was well attended. It later became very important, a sweet moment I witnessed as the activity was winding down and the last mingling of the night was finishing up. Our family was standing at Shawn's Spain table and we were with the Mattle family. It was the father's birthday yesterday, Friday, and the family was discussing their options for the rest of the evening. The Mattle's oldest son, Tad, was there with his girlfriend and wanted to make sure before heading out with her, that he would not be missing anything for his Dad's Birthday. He was told to go and enjoy the evening and that the family had time later to celebrate further.

Devastatingly, Tad was in a fatal car accident minutes later. We received the call shortly thereafter with the horrible news.

I struggled all night long with terrible heartbreak and nightmares. For some reason, I have always been so troubled at night by sad news. And yet, this only serves to strengthen my testimony that we all chose to come down to this beautiful earth, experience this wonderful life, AND that we were aware that pain and grief were part of that chosen experience.

Earlier this morning as sleep eluded me for the 4th hour, I prayed for comfort. Comfort for the Mattle family, Comfort for our sweet ward family, Comfort for my mind so I could rest and be calm. And like so many times before, my Heavenly Father blessed me. The sad images in my head were replaced with the sweet moments of time spent with this wonderful family and their son last night.

This morning I am so thankful for prayers answered. I am thankful for the knowledge I have that families are forever. The Mattles will bear the pain of this separation, but WILL be together for eternity. And I a very thankful for a ward family that can shoulder such pain together. Extremely thankful this Saturday morning!


Mike and Carrie said...

Oh Dawn, I am so sorry to hear this news. We'll keep them in our prayers as well.

Cari said...

Oh my gosh. Tad was a favorite among the Byrd Spring young women during my time serving there. That kid was hilarious. I can't believe this horrible news. His family will be in our prayers as well. So sad.

Beth said...

Oh I am so sad for the Mattles. My brother and Dad did scouts with Bro. Mattle and they always had such a good time together. I will surely keep them in our prayers.

Hannah Marshall said...

Shannon woke up crying this morning because of a text she had received about Tad. Bro. Mattle went caving and such with my Bro-in-law nick and so he and Kendra were told last night by tad's father. This is such a sad thing, but it is comforting to know that they can be together as a family once again. All of our prayers are with them at this awful time.

Theresa Cyr said...

That is such sad news. It's always difficult to understand the death of someone who is older, but when someone so young passes it makes it so much more difficult. My thoughts and prayers to the family and for you and your family to deal with such heartbreaking news. God bless.

Lisha said...

Beautiful post. Hayley told me about the accident as these are some of Chelsea's friends, I didn't realize they were members. It is such a blessing to have a ward family at times like these, I am sure a portion of the Mattle's burden is lifted by you and your testimony.

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Such sad news...death is a part of is the separation that is hard to bear especially when the life that was taken is so young. This post has such a sweet spirit though...thanks Dawn for expressing your grief along with your testimony.

Debbie said...

I don't know the Mattle family, but yesterday at church, the brother who gave the opening prayer in sacrament meeting prayed for the Mattle family and Tad's girlfriend's family. Jared and I were quite confused because we didn't know anything about it. I asked one person, and they didn't know either. This morning, I happened to catch part of the news where they said two Grissom students were killed by a drunk driver on Friday night, and they mentioned his name. I figured with them being Grissom students that he must have been in your ward so I looked it up on the church website, and sure enough, their family was on the ward roster. I figured you must know them, but wow- to have been with them just moments before it happend!

Isn't it amazing how everything can change in just minutes, even seconds? My mom was in a horrible car accident about 5 years back that probably should have killed her, but amazingly, she only had a foot injury. She and I had had lunch together that day, and then I headed back to Tuscaloosa. I remember getting the phone call from a friend saying that she had been in an accident and being totally amazed thinking I was just with her, how could that have happened....

You just never know.. and for it to have happened on his dad's birthday-- that is just so horrible. I know that it will be hard for that to be a day of celebration for him anymore, but I hope that they will be able to celebrate the wonderful person that Tad was and know that they will see him again.

danakat said...

I don't even have words. Just deep feelings. Thank you for your testimony. And our sincerest condolences to the family and friends.