Thursday, December 4

Keeping it REAL

There is Mutiny in the ranks here at the prestigious Callahan school.
Home teacher, that would be me, is about to strangle one of her students, that would be Ty.
For safety reasons, said 6 year old is banished to his room... possibly for the entire day... and the teacher has been sent to her room also. Maybe a chilly, sexy vampire can cool her down. I'm almost done with THE series.
What caused this Revolt? Ty's math assignment... subtraction with borrowing.
We're talking a complete and utter flip out.
I think he is about to start his period!!!
I think I shall leave Ty in exile for today, and let the mean ole principal, aka sweet hubby,
handle this when he gets home, poor, poor, hubby.
After all, I am running away from home for 'girls night' and won't have to be here for the screaming, wailing, gnashing of teeth.
Considering today is the first and only day of learning defiance... I should probably count myself lucky.
After all, Ty comes by it honestly... I hate math too, grrrr!


danakat said...

"I think he is about to start his period!!!"

Congratulations! Best line EVER!

Enjoy your, I mean book. ;)

Stefanie H said...

haha that is funny :) I remember my sister would sit at the kitchen table with me all through school and try to tutor me in math. I sat there crying the entire time. Everytime. i HATE math. haha

Cari said...

Sorry, don't believe a word of it. Not MY Tyger!